Logo contest
Our first activity project was to create a logo for smAIle using AI technologies. Each participating school was given a brief and had to come up with a logo that reflected what their understanding of AI and our project. It was a fantastic way to introduce the concept of AI and the project to our students.
Each school picked their top two logos and these logos will then be given to the students of the University of Rijtech, (partner of the project) who will pick our overall winner and the official logo of our project.
Some examples of the process...
CEIP Guernica
Process to make the logo
Level: 5th and 6th primary students ( 4 classes.105 students)
Students worked in cooperative teams on three steps: individual-teams-big group.
Understanding the concept "logo". (big group)
Drawing a logo with the right elements (individual)
Writing a description of one logo choosen by team. (team group)
Using AI tools (Ideogram, Leonardo, Dall-e, copilot...). The description written was used as a PROMTP on AI tools. (team group)
Watching results. Improvements and fixes. Using Canva to improve AI errors. (big group)
Voting the best 2 logos of each class (8 logos total).
Final polling: the youngest students (1st to 4th grade) voted 2 favourites. The winners past to final round!