Online meetings are an essential part of project development and management. They allow us to monitor scheduled actions, reach necessary agreements more easily and share students activities.
Online meetings
1st. online meeting
10/7/24 management
Arranging the dates for the 1st TM in Dublin
Dates for 1st coordinator meeting in Ireland
Project management tool - LOOP? G-drive? -mails?
LOGO of the project - competition led by IRELAND
ESEP eTwinning project by D. Usmiani and Anabela Tristao.
PLANS - division - presentation on 1st TM
DISSEMINATION PLAN - IMPORTANT!!!! - Instagram and FB page of the project?
SUMMER HOMEWORK - read the application!!
2nd online meeting dates
2nd. online meeting
4/9/24 management
Financial construction
Partner Introductions
Presentation of Relevant Documents (Contract and Annexes)
Presentation of Financial Details, Reporting Requirements, Final Products
Discussion on Plagiarism, Salaries, and Implementation Plans
First Coordinator Transnational meeting in Dublin​
Creation of the dissemination materials
Proposals for the First LTTA in Portugal and Second TM in Croatia
Action Points
Next Meeting
Tasks for All Partners Until the Next Meeting